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HMF3C Height extension adapter card/ HMF3D Height extension

  • 产品型号: HMF3C/HMF3D
  • 产品品牌: TERASIC友晶科技/Intel FPGA
  • 产品规格: extending the height of an HSMC port
  • 产品价格: 欢迎咨询采购,量多优惠多,提供完善的售后保障和支持!
  • 咨询热线:18062095810

 The High Speed Mezzanine Connector (HSMC) adapters HMF3C and HMF3D are general purpose adapters for extending the height of an HSMC port.  If two main FPGA boards are to be stacked, an HSMC adapter card must be used. Presently, the HMF3C and HMF3D HSMC adapters are compatible for stacking. These adapters add the necessary height required to mount one development board on top of another.

The HMF3C(C is for Cross-over) not only serves the purpose of connecting boards together, but also enables signaling between the boards by crisscrossing connections of the TX and RX signals as shown below. This allows two FPGAs to engage in single-ended transmission as well as differential I/O data transfer. 

If signal connections between two boards on a HSMC port is not an requirement, the HMF3D adaptor would be recommended.
The HMF3D(D is for dummy) adaptor is only used for extending the height. It does not provide any signal connections .

No 产品名称 售价(RMB)
1. HMF3C Height extension adapter card
产品编号: S0171  重量: 200g
2. HMF3D Height extension adapter card
产品编号: S0172  重量: 200g