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【TUB】TERASIC友晶Timing and UART Board

  • 产品型号: TUB
  • 产品品牌: TERASIC友晶科技/Intel FPGA
  • 产品规格: Clock Transmission、UART Communication
  • 产品价格: 欢迎咨询采购,量多优惠多,提供完善的售后保障和支持!
  • 咨询热线:18062095810

The TUB (Timing and UART board) is a clock adapter board. It can transmit 1PPS and 10MHz clocks to four Terasic DE5a-NET boards simultaneously. The 1PPS and 10Mhz clocks are generated from an external clock generator. The TUB also provides a UART channel for four DE5a-NET boards to communicate with the host PC through the virtual COM port.
The TUB provides two channels of clock transfer function and one-USB-to-four-UART function. These two identical channels of clock transfer circuits support clock input signals with 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V voltage levels. These two clock transfer channels also support zero bias clock with 1.2 Vpp, 1.8 Vpp, 2.5 Vpp, 3.3 Vpp, or 5 Vpp by soldering divider resistors. Each clock transfer channel provides four clock fan-outs for four DE5a-Net boards through the 2x5 cable.
Clock Transmission:
Two SMA for receiving 1PPS and 10MHz clocks
Ten Jumpers to specify 1PPS and 10MHz clock I/O standard
Output 1.8V 1PPS and 10MHz clocks to four 2x5 expansion headers

UART Communication:
Single USB to four UART chip FT4232H
One USB Type-B connector
Four pairs UART TX and RX signals are connected to the four 2x5 expansion headers

Supplied from the first pin of the 2x5 expansion header
Block Diagram

No 产品名称 售价(RMB)
1.[TUB] Timing and UART Board
产品编号: P0504  重量: 500g


标题 版本 档案大小(KB) 新增日期 下载
TUB User Manual 1.1.1 2358 2018-01-26


标题 版本 档案大小(KB) 新增日期 下载
TUB System CD 1.1.2   2019-01-17